The One Thing You Need To Do To Succeed With Women
May 01, 2022
Written by Mark D. Burg
You need to perform.
Everyone understands what “to perform” means in business, sports, or any other competitive context. You will not succeed in these areas if you don't educate yourself and train hard to fulfill your potential.
As a man, to be successful in life is to be successful with women. Yet many men fail in this area like no other. So what does performance mean in this context?
First, women don't have the burden of performance to the same degree as men. Women are born with the intrinsic value of giving birth.
Men can't do that – in case you didn't know. They give their sperm instead, which is mass production good in biological terms.
Before you lose your patience with me, let me explain why I tell you these obvious facts with this example:
When a man sleeps with 1000 women a year, how many children can he get? Over a thousand. On the other hand: when a woman sleeps with 1000 men in a year, how many children can she get? On average one or two.
You see, for women, it is way more important who they have sex with and ultimately who gets them pregnant.
So what do women select for? They select the best: personality, looks, and lifestyle.
To seduce a woman, personality is the most important one and lifestyle the least important. Of course, it’s best to master all three areas, but if you can only work on one, work on your personality first.
And yes, you can improve your personality like any other part of your life and become more attractive in the process.
Spoiler: with "improvement" I don't mean playing video games all day. What a shame, I know.
- Lifestyle includes your wealth, cash flow, and the financial experiences you can provide.
- Looks show your genetic potential including height, facial features, and body composition.
- Personality shows women what you are made of. It includes your confidence, communication skill, social savviness, charm, leadership, and the psychological experiences you can provide.
The importance of lifestyle, looks, and personality might change for a woman based on her age, upbringing, and current circumstances. But one thing should be clear; you can't escape her judgment of your performance in these areas.
Your goal should be to optimize your genetic potential and be as high up the male hierarchy as possible. Women want to be with a man other men look up to.
The good news is all of these areas can be improved through specific training. The bad news is you have actually to work for it. In other words, you have to perform.
Take the example of a Lion, he has to hunt to survive, and he is OK with that. After all, he is a Lion, and that's what Lions do. Men are Lions and the ones who don't accept that become food themselves.
Now here's the harsh truth: we are not born on a level playing field. Everyone is born into unique circumstances and has unique genetical advantages. No one is to blame for that, and no one owes anyone anything because of that fact.
It's on you to work with the talents you have and make the most out of them. Through hard work in critical areas of your life, you will eventually be where your genetics and luck can get you.
A man can't just be; he has to become. Performance never stops.
Regardless of whether you are in a casual or a long-term relationship, the female nature demands a re-confirmation of a man's worthiness for her commitment to him. Puh, that was a mouthful. Let me explain ...
Just because you are the right man today doesn't mean you will be the right man for her tomorrow. Of course, this does not mean that after any performance dip, a woman would leave her man, but if she sees a trend, she might start looking at someone with more potential.
Women frequently argue that they must meet similar performance standards, just like men. But other than looks, which is a sign of quality genes, youth, and fertility, there are no identical performance standards that women have to meet. In fact, for a man to even suggest that he might qualify a woman for his intimacy will quickly give him a reputation as a judgmental misogynist.
On the other hand, looks are just one of many criteria women use to judge a man as a suitable partner. To hope that women will stop judging and love men unconditionally is unreasonable. It is just too important for a woman to select the right father for her children or a hot lover for her adventure, and for that, she will need to assess every potential man.
What you can do is become genuinely desirable, and that means becoming a high performer. Again, with high performance, I don't mean that you need to be the best businessman in the world or the richest guy on the planet. You don't have to be the best-looking guy, either. You can focus on your personality first.
Having an attractive personality will get you laid. Having an attractive personality, and optimizing your looks and lifestyle, will make you unstoppable.
It's also important to understand that you perform first and foremost for yourself so women find you attractive. You don't perform for a specific woman, so she likes you. This is needy and unattractive to women.
A woman wants to be with a man who is a high performer with or without her. The high performance demonstrates the high value of a man. The higher the value, the easier it is for a woman to accept that man's way of living and his rules of engagement.
The truth is women love to "submit" to worthy males.
To illustrate this, think about life as a journey. The best way to get through this journey is to be a good driver. A woman loves to be a worry-free passenger when she knows that she is together with the best driver she can be with. She can listen to music, lean back, and relax, knowing that she will arrive no matter how many roadblocks will come - her man will address them all.
On the other hand, if she's not trusting the driver's ability, she will watch the road, try to course-correct, and likely leave the car at the next opportunity. As you see, you need to become an excellent driver to have a healthy relationship, but once you are that driver, you have the freedom to drive wherever you want, whenever you want.
Through performance, you win freedom.
This might sound overwhelming, but it's important to remember that no one is born a made man. Life is not easy, but you can get better at it one step at a time.
The sooner you accept and embrace the need to perform at your best, the faster you will succeed with women and get what you want in life.
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